Supercool Music: A Living Article© Part 81: Hopalong Cassidy Theme Song

The Creator, our Savior, is the only Hero we truly need, yet sometimes, as humans, we feel we need a hero we can literally see. William “Bill” Boyd, star of the ever popular, very loved Hopalong Cassidy movies and original television western series, is such a timeless hero. 🙂 Standing strong and firm and true for what is right and good in the Creator’s sight, honorable, respectful, wise, witty, brave, intelligent, cool, fun, strong, capable…so many good words describe this kind of visual hero we like to see. 😎 He’s a representative of the many good people around the world who trust the Creator, try to do what’s pleasing to Him, showing love and respect for others, helping with a willing heart. 🙂 ❤ Bill Boyd not only played such a good guy in movies and on his television show, but he was also a truly good guy in real life himself! 🙂 😎 It’s so easy to appreciate and respect a man like that. 😎

   The Hopalong Cassidy television show, which aired in the 1950’s, has a supercool theme song. 😎 The opening theme as well as the closing theme carries the same melody and fittingly has differing lyrics, matching its purpose. It is a song that is filled with true hope, encouragement and good cheer. And this is how it goes….

   Right at the start, you can hear the triumphant sound of hope, reassurance and the comfort that definite capable help is on the way! It makes the heart lift in joy, a feeling of good hope thrilling through you along with that of the adventure that’s soon to be played out before your very eyes on the screen! 🙂

   The orchestra as well as the excellent, strong vocals ring out with pleasure as it is announced, “Here he comes! Here he comes!” The sound of trumpets and that of drums announces to all: here he comes! 🙂 A melodic “oo-oo-ooo” is carried along on a cheering wind as the music quiets and the onscreen adventure begins. 🙂 It’s so cool! 🙂 I love this theme song and listen to it often! 🙂 ❤ ❤ 🙂 You can’t help but smile and feel happy when you hear it! 🙂

   After Hopalong Cassidy has wisely, realistically and successfully rescued people from the bad ones, the closing theme song rings out with just as much good hope and joy as the starting theme song did. 🙂 No need for sadness that that specific episode is over; he’d be on the next week, too! 🙂

   The lyrics, following the same beautiful orchestration of instruments and vocal melody, tells us that “he’ll return, soon again!” so there’s no need to say goodbye. 🙂 I like that. 😎

   The entire thing, the opening and closing theme song as well as the many good things that aired in the episode, all give a peaceful, resounding cheer to your heart and soul. 😎

   Even better than someone like supercool Hopalong Cassidy coming along to our rescue is that long ago the promised HaMashiach/The Messiah came to our rescue. 😎 He came to rescue by faith all of mankind, including each one of us who had not even been born yet! 🙂 As the Son of the Creator of the universe, He knew we would be here and need His help. He came down from Heaven to rescue us, to bring peace to our souls and give us life everlasting. He paid for our sins, because no human is perfect, and thus gave us the ability to put our faith in Him and get to go to Heaven someday, where we can live forever. 🙂 😎 I look forward to seeing Bill “Hopalong Cassidy” Boyd there, along with so many others I miss or would like to meet. I’ll have all of eternity to enjoy being there with them all and enjoy the beauty of the place the Creator has been preparing for us.

   Here’s what HaMashiach, Who is Yeshua/Jesus, said to a righteous man named Thomas, a message that applies to each one of us, as God made clear in the Scriptures repeatedly:
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
(Scripture reference from John 14:1-6.)

   Faith in Yeshua/Jesus is the only way to make peace with our Creator. He loves us and wants us to get to spend eternity with Him instead of us having to pay for our sins ourselves forever. Believing Him, putting our trust in Him to save us and asking Him to forgive for our sins, that’s what we need to do to join Him in Heaven/Paradise someday. 🙂 He will return, soon again, and rescue all who trust in Him from the troubles here on Earth. Yeshua/Jesus gives us everlasting joy, hope and life when we put our faith in Him. He loves each one of us. He loves you.


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