Supercool Music: A Living Article© Part 88: Back In Time

Armando Perez, worldwide ( 🙂 ) known as Pitbull (and “Mr. Worldwide” 🙂 ), is blessed with an awesome voice, with which he sings as well as speaks to share his wisdom and strength of heart in caring about others and their freedom. I deeply appreciate all of these things. 😎 He is not blinded by the lies being dealt to us by people in places of power and influence and he is standing up and saying so. This song of his, from several years ago, speaks of freedom while also giving us a musically satisfying song that sounds so great I listen to it repeatedly and love it every time! 🙂

  I’m reviewing a live performance for the article here. 🙂 This supercool song, “Back In Time”, starts with Pitbull’s way cool vocal countdown then the amazing guitar work featured in this song quickly joins in. Such a great sound! 😎 The drums are strong and true, too. 😎

  Backing vocals that were inspired by an oldies song lead to Pitbull’s trademark call the start of the lyrics. His hometown state of Florida is included in the verse before he leads into references of the movie this song was featured in.

  The tempo is upbeat, strong and lively, like the man himself. 🙂 😎 As he says in the song: he’s a go-getter, a mover-shaker. He speaks of giving credit where credit is due. He also lets it be known that he’s confident and knows what’s true, therefore it won’t break his heart if people fail to recognize that (I very much appreciate the creative, artistic way in which he avoided using bad language – cuss words – to convey his strong thoughts. He made it very clear.) You can’t let people’s rudeness bring you down; if you’re right, you can stand proud.

  He speaks of saving the world and truly it needs it. He shares more drops of truth and wisdom throughout the song. The past effects the future. Not forgetting the truth of what has happened in the past can help prevent the same kind of mistakes from taking place in the future. We just need to make sure that what is being taught as truth really is; we should look into things for ourselves, research, not just believe what others say just because they act like they’re telling the truth. Saying something like it is a fact does not make it one.

  I like it that Armando used the word “groovy”; I like that one, one of the reasons being I love the literally groovy sound of vinyl records. 🙂 Soon he directs his band to “Break it down”, going into a very cool slow-mo sound then at the right moment he directs with great energy to “Speed it up!” His voice, talking, singing, rapping has a great musical quality to it, strong and clear with super depth and a cool bass vibe feel.

  Great drums get the final notes of the song after the guitar speaks its voice once more. “Back In Time” has a solid sound from start to finish. 😎

  The music is good and the man himself is good, too. 😎 I cannot separate between an artst and ther music; if I cannot respect them, I cannot espect their music – or enjoy listening to it, no matter how good it sounds musically. I respect Armando’s heart and I can freely enjoy listening to this song. 😎 Armando is an American whose ancestry is from Cuba and he is doing what he can to help both countries to have freedom – America to regain freedom and Cuba to gain freedom. The heart of most Cubans feel the same beat of freedom that is in the hearts of true Americans and most of the rest of world. All humans naturally deeply desire to be free from all evil – free from sin and free from the evils of tyranny. We long for it. We seek it. We do what we can to attain it and thereafter to keep it.

  I pray for all peoples of the world to be free. Wherever you are, whatever the laws are in your country in regards to religious freedom – you are free to talk to the Creator of us all, anytime and anywhere. The people running your country might not allow you to gather with other people to worship the Creator, but you are free to worship Him in your heart. Some of your freedoms the human rulers might control, but they cannot control your direct communications with God or your relationship with Him. He is always available to you wherever you are, no matter the situation. He loves you more than mere human words can sufficiently convey and He will save you if you put your faith in Him. As Yeshua/Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (These quotes from Yeshua/Jesus, the Son of God the Creator of us all can be found in the Scriptures, John chapter 8, verses 32 and 36.) John chapter 3, verses 16 and 17 also gives us these encouraging words of truth, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” He wants us to be free; He loves us. Freedom for our souls brings peace with God.

  Freedom and peace are yours for the asking, you only need to put your faith in Yeshua/Jesus to get both immediately. Freedom and peace in our daily living aren’t quite so easy to obtain, but they are priceless treasures for which we pray each day and actively seek. Freedom will come. Peace will come. The Creator guarantees it; you can read that promise in the Scriptures as well. To all American citizens, Cuban citizens and citizens of each and every country on Earth: I’m praying for you, your freedom, peace and safety. May the Creator bless you with these things.


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